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quenched turn on the sink and there it is! But have you ever traveled to a place where there was no running water--maybe not even a sink? It is very easy to take for granted something you have always had. But image just for a minute what it would be like without water.

For those who grew up Catholic it might be just like this. You may not even realize what a treasure you have. As a convert, I chose to be Catholic instead of inheriting my faith, so I have a different perspective.

So what do I love about my Catholic faith that you may not think is so special?

Let me name a few things:

--I love Jesus physically in the Eucharist. (I just can’t seem to get over this one.)

--I love the Mass and that each and every day I can go and be in communion with Christ and the universal Church through this act of corporate worship.

--I love going to Confession and having my sins washed clean like white linen and obtaining the fresh grace to be able to face a very difficult and challenging world.

--I love the Blessed Mother and the way she tenderly watches over me and my family and teaches me how to be a better wife, mother and servant of God.

--I love the angels and saints and their example of holiness and fortitude.

--I love the deep mysteries that I know I will never come to the end of understanding.

--I love Adoration, the physical act of bowing before Jesus and, in this, consoling His heart.

--I love incense and bells and all things that call me to worship and set the time apart from my everyday earthly life.

--I love holy priests and nuns and consecrated who have dedicated themselves completely to the work of God, holding nothing back from Him.

--I love the Pope and the teachings of the Church that set me on solid footing that I can trust and follow whole heartedly.

What’s your faith story? Did you choose your faith or were you born into it? Rejoice and be glad! Thank God for all that He offers us through His Church. And if you have taken it for granted, finding yourself in a “dry spot”, perhaps write your own top ten list of what you love about your faith. And then, write a letter of thanks to whomever it was who God used to help get you to where you are today.

It is like a cool drink on a hot day to remember the Goodness of the Lord and all that He has done and is doing in us. Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Do something new in me.

See, I am doing something new! Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? In the wilderness I make a way, in the wasteland, rivers. Isaiah 43:19

Dear Lord,

Thank You that you and Your Church are always here for me, even if I don’t appreciate all that You have given to me! Open my heart and let me see the things of You. Do something NEW inside of me. Make rivers run where I have grown dry. Let me know Your love and be forever held in the arms of You and the blessed Mother. Let me heart rejoice and say with all the saints and angels in heaven, "Blessed be the Name of the Lord!"

I ask this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


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