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HOPE of the world

Inside of you is the HOPE of the world. It is sometimes very hard to believe this, especially since the world does not acknowledge it and frequently tells us otherwise. Often times we may not even believe it ourselves.

But it is true. If you are a baptised Christian, you have God's Spirit-the Holy Spirit- inside of you in a unique and powerful way. He entered your soul and placed a seal upon you, marking you as God’s own.

“In him you also, who have heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation and have believed in him, were sealed with the promised holy Spirit, which is the first installment of our inheritance toward redemption as God’s possession, to the praise of his glory.” Ephesians 1:13-14

But if this happened when you were a baby, you may or may not know the Power that lives inside of you. And if you were never taught this or did not come to understand it with adult would you know?

Jesus says: “You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32).

So here is the Gospel truth, what the enemy of your soul does not want you to know-- because if you did--you might just become all that God intends for you to be.

Here is what the Holy Spirit that lives inside of you does:

The Spirit enables us to proclaim Jesus as Lord

He has been poured into our hearts

He makes us Holy

He empowers us

He breathes on us

He brings us peace

He brings us joy

He teaches us to pray

He fills us to overflowing

He convicts us of sin

He brings us freedom

He allows us to cry out “ABBA FATHER” to God

He gives us wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, fear of the Lord, and piety.

He produces all kinds of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

He makes us brave beyond our own capacity

He comforts us

He gives us Spiritual Gifts

He helps us reap eternal life

He gives us access to God the Father

He casts out demons

He changes bread and wine and into Christ’s body and blood

He reveals truth

He helps us remember

And...He is our comforter, our shield, and protector.

And this is just to name a few! So what’s not to love?

(Read Fr. Dave Pivonka, T.O.R. Breath of God to find out more

or watch this week’s THE SOURCE.)

Let’s pray that this AMAZING HOLY SPIRIT will be stirred up inside of us who have been baptized and believe in order to set us free to become all that God dreams of us becoming. And then by His power, enable us to go and proclaim this Good News to other! (And if you are not a believer, but want to become one, please email me or talk to a priest! Don't wait! It is just too good to miss!)

Inside of you is the HOPE of the world!

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lampstand, where it gives light to all in the house. Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.” Matthew 5:14-16.

Dear Lord,

Wow! You are amazing! And what’s super cool...You live inside of me! Lord please come now, fill my heart with You like never before! Stir up Your Holy Spirit inside of me so that I may have a supernatural ability to understand the things of You and to long to know You better. Please Lord, open my eyes to see one gift that is from You that will encourage me to long for even more of You, but not just to long for the gifts, but the Giver-- that’s You. Take me where I am, but don’t leave me here, transform me--move me forward in the ways of You. Thank You!

I ask this in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Want to learn more? Simply click HERE to watch this week’s THE SOURCE video called HOPE: community in mission. Hear Fr. Pat Smith speak on how we, as the Church, are the HOPE for the world.


Why not watch with a friend or two and then discuss these great conversation starters...

WEEK 6: HOPE: community in mission (Thesis: The Church is on mission through encounter, accompaniment, community and service --the Church is the SOURCE OF HOPE for the world.)

1. What one thought stood out or most impressed you as you watched this video? Discuss.

2. The Church is a community in mission, sent by Christ. This community of believers is a conduits of Christ’s love to the world. Can you give an example of a friend or neighbor who has been Christ to you?

3. Fr. Smith said he needed adult reasons to “eat vegetables” as well as for his faith. Discuss adult reasons why you believe, (or don’t believe) not simply because “grew up that way.”

4. Identify ways in your life that you could share the light of Christ to others.

5. If what Fr. Pat Smith said is true, that the Church is the source of HOPE for the world, how could this affect your daily life? Make a plan as a group (or even as an individual) to be the difference—to share the HOPE the world needs.

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