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lasting impressions

I wish people had signs on their souls that read: "CAUTION: WET CEMENT."

You just never know where your tracks will stick.

I recently had the privilege of hearing the story of two women who had come to a talk I had given a few years back and, by God's grace, came back to the Church because of one little thing that I said.

You just never know where your tracks will stick.

I remember as a child a deeply humble and beautiful Sunday School teacher telling me that I was a beloved daughter of God... and I believed her.

You just never know where your tracks will stick.

I met a man who was broken and confused because his father had been a very abusive man...

You just never know where your tracks will stick.

I was able to tell him about Jesus and His death on the cross that paid for all of his sin and the sins of others, including his dad's, and that Jesus came to bring us life and set us free, but that we must learn to forgive. So he did, and he is a different person now...

You just never know where your tracks will stick.

I kiss my little girl every night, say prayers and tell her she is the most amazing, beloved daughter of God, and if she were the only one on the planet, God would still have died for her because He knows and loves her best...

You just never know where your tracks will stick.

God loves you.

You just never know where your track will stick.

"I tell you, on the day of judgement people will render an account for every careless word they speak. By your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned." Matthew 12:36

Dear Lord,

Please make me mindful that those around me should be wearing a sign that reads,"Caution: wet cement!" Please make me conscientious of the words I speak! Let them be uplifting and encouraging, freeing and life-giving! Let me not waste my time in useless chatter but be "on mission" to let my mouth utter things that are worthy of Your ears and those ears You have placed in my path. Please give me the grace to have "savory" words, words that make others hunger and thirst for You and the things of You. And please keep me choosing You this day.

I ask this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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